Paul here. We've had some time now to settle in a bit more; we're finally over the wicked jetlag and starting to adopt the Italian pace of life.
That is, the pace of two people who don't have jobs, or any real responsibilities to speak of, at least not yet. Our days consist largely of walking around exploring, snacking, and taking pictures...I imagine that would probably be pretty nice anywhere, at least for a while.
I've quickly learned that it's best, no, make that ESSENTIAL to keep an open mind when moving to a foreign country. Many things take getting used to because they're different.
Not better, not worse, just
different. For instance, bus tickets are bought at any one of a number of government-run "Tabacchi" tobacco stores. And you can buy a cell phone and plan from the post office, which is the same place you apply for your Italian social security number! Still sounds strange.
Other things, are definitely
better. Like the fact that bars here aren't seedy, dark, and full of alcoholics, rather they're cheerful, popular, classy places that everyone frequents as a sort of social pit stop. Drinks are cheap, and they all serve free snacks - I'm not talking about sketchy cups of salted peanuts here, I'm talking about real treats like little cones of salami and cheese on toasts, delicious finger sandwiches, and fresh green olives!
And finally, yes, some things are definitely worse. Now you have to understand, I'm allowing for different tastes and preferences here, but there's just no arguing about some things. Allow me to illustrate.
Take a look at our humble toilet here:

Innocent enough, right? Kind of stylish, even, in a minimalist sort of way. But lift the lid, and it's a different story:

Now if you study things closely, you're probably saying to yourself, "wait a second, Paul. I'm no toilet engineer, and I only have a layman's knowledge of human anatomy, but doesn't that hole look a little, well, OFF? Shouldn't it be a lot farther back?"
To which I reply - YES. YES, it ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE.
I'm sure you get the idea, so that's enough about that. I won't even discuss trying to fit in our uneven-floored shower-basin-thing. Constant curtain contact is unavoidable.

So on that note, everyone at home, I hope you enjoy your bathrooms today. Take the time to appreciate them, because they deserve it.